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Contract Development Process : Telecom Consulting Services
This is where the rubber meets the road. All of the preliminary efforts to quantify your needs, qualify proper vendors, and determine fair market conditions for acquiring your telecom services must now be turned into value.

Our role at this stage is very simple. We work for you to ensure that your carriers come to the table with contracts that maximize your telecom service options while minimizing costs, and we help you to make the best decisions based on the options presented.

Objective Viewpoint
We don't lead with a bias for any provider, including incumbents, so we look clearly at the options. When it comes to tactful, fact-driven negotiations, we can ask the hard questions and keep politics out of the process.

Guide the Negotiation
Carriers need to know what it takes to earn your business. Our role is to influence the bidders to deliver the most favorable prices and terms, in an environment of integrity and candor.

Immediate and Future

Vendors try to influence the deal by offering something sweet up front. We work for agreements that reflect your immediate AND future needs, dissecting their strengths and weaknesses over the full contract term.

Fair Measurement
We insure that bids are accurately and fairly measured against all others, including future usage forecasts. Bids are also measured against our data to ensure they conform with offerings made available to similar firms.

Timely Performance
Wasted time cuts into your productivity, and shrinking the time window is a standard carrier ploy. We establish timeframes upfront to maximize your leverage, often concluding in half the time clients can might on their own.

Spend The Time To Do It Right
If your team is busy running the network, they may not have the bandwidth to support the comprehensive focus required to gain maximum benefit. We have the time, and can extend your team's resources.

RFP Campaign
Whether or not you issue an RFP (and we feel it's frequently the best way), the elements of a first-class negotiation remain the same. TelAssess can create, manage, process and negotiate an RFP on your behalf.

We know how important your carrier relationships are, and we know how critical your network is to your company's day-to-day success. Given those needs, doesn't it make sense to assemble the best possible expertise for your negotiating team?

 No Risk Contract Evaluation


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Telecom RFP & Management Solutions

TelAssess : Offers Professional Telecom Consulting Services & Telecom RFP & Management Solutions.