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Telecom Management Software : Service Options To Match Your Needs
Do you prefer to handle your wireless management in-house or to outsource it? Do you want a one-time review of your wireless expenses, or would you like to implement an ongoing wireless management program? Whatever your preferences, we can help. And if you haven't yet determined how you will approach this issue, we can help you find the right path.

One-Time Review and Optimization
This program offers the fastest, easiest way to achieve meaningful wireless savings. Companies will often start here because the process is simple and the results are nearly immediate. There is no need to change vendors or phones, so your personnel continue using their wireless tools without interruption. And the contingent model means you only pay for the savings you choose to implement.

Rate Plan Recommendations
Your vendor offers hundreds, maybe thousands, of plans. We analyze 3 months of actual usage to identify the preferred lowest cost plan for each cell phone user.

Zero/Low Use Phones
Corporate dynamics means that wireless devices are often underutilized or removed from circulation. Our analysis identifies these devices to reduce costs.

Excessive Use of Fee Items
Do your employees use expensive features and services like text messaging, 411 calls, or custom ring tones? We zero in on those costs, so you can zero them out.

CPM Baseline
Do you know your true overall Cost Per Minute (CPM) and total Minutes Of Usage (MOU)? This critical information positions you for improved pricing from your vendor.

Wireless vendors get you going and coming. If you talk too much, or make the wrong kinds of calls, they nail you. If you don't use your allotted minutes, they nail you as well. It's become a very costly game to get all your phones linked to the optimal plan. But it's a game you can win with a wireless savings program from TelAssess.

In-House vs. Outsourced Wireless Management
Many companies want to continue managing their wireless services internally, they just want to improve their ability to do so. At the same time, an increasing number of companies are turning to outsourced solutions for managing their wireless program. We offer both, each tailored to your unique needs.

 In-House or Outsourced Wireless Management?


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Telecom Management Software

TelAssess : Offers Professional Telecom Management Software & Telecommunications Management Solutions.